Obviously, the 33 33 stood out to me when this was breaking....I didn't have time to 'dive into this' since I was dealing with new computer set-up, preparing to record some POINTS TO PONDER episodes...
When I DID glance at the video of the police body-cams going down the hallways, the FIRST thing I noticed (and paused the video) was the TV SCREEN at the 'crossroads' of the 2 hallways...it said 👉 CONNECT
And now, the EPOCH TIMES article with all the NUMBER COMMZ in it....
One thing Hubby mentioned the other day, little blood coming from the suspect once taken down by the police....he used to do EMT stuff decades ago and KNEW what they were trained to look for in regards to a 'shooting'
Bottom Line: I HAVE Q's....lots of them🤔🤔🤔
Hi Frenz - Giving an IMPORTANT update on my health and asking for FINANCIAL help as Greg and I 'walk through' the next several weeks...the REALITY is UNLESS God decides to provide a MIRACLE I'll be finishing up my life journey....
Please pray for Greg and my children at this very critical time - that their hearts are comforted IF it's God's Plan to bring me home....and right now, short of HIS MIRACLE, it's where I'm headed...
Thank you for any financial help you can provide.
God Bless You,
GIVESENDGO LINK👉https://www.givesendgo.com/GEN4W
PAYPAL LINK👉https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=3QY4CA7U8GS2U
Kelli Ann
💥DJT is the CURRENT COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF so when he says:
💥'The government KNOWS what is happening '
💥'Our military KNOWS where they took off from...if it's a GARAGE they can go right into that GARAGE...they know where it CAME FROM and where IT WENT'...and for some REASON they don't want to comment'
💥'Our military knows and OUR PRESIDENT knows'
💥'I can't imagine it's the ENEMY because if it was the ENEMY they'd blast it out...'
💥When asked if he'd received any intelligence briefing on the drones he says: 'I don't want to comment on that'
What if...the drones are going to be used in the MASSIVE ROUND-UP OF ILLEGALS⁉️⁉️ The 'GARAGE' statement was strange but makes SENSE in this 'theory' 🔥🔥
Many illegals living in makeshift shelters, like garages, etc.
The DRONES would be the 'eyes in the sky' to HELP ID large groups of illegals, and of course be able to TRACK individuals to see where ...