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Sharing knowing that many are NOT on TELEGRAM👊

Last Monday I went to the ER and this is what I posted on TELEGRAM:

I should be dead… as in literally😱 I finally went to the emergency room regarding my deteriorating health… My hemoglobin was 3.1… The nurse literally had me do another blood test because she couldn’t believe it… She said she’s seen people keal over at a 5.0😱 ER doctor came in and said he had five times more blood in his body than I did…… The nurse seriously could not believe that I presented the way I did with a 3.1… Needless to say, I’m in the middle of a blood transfusion‼️‼️

So I was hospitalized for 3 days and had 5 transfusions to get my hemoglobin up to 9.0 so I could leave the hospital.

Went to have a lab done on FRIDAY, and God miraculously raised it ANOTHER point to 10.0 (I had prayed the night before that He would do that so Greg knew that HE was the One who would sustain me😁A few doctors 'speaking' negative stuff over me cuz I wouldn't agree to CHEMO that they wanted me to start on FRIDAY❗❗❗) I hadn't even got out and had a recovery period and they were literally 'bullying' me to go to the appointment in New Orleans❗❗❗

I stuck to my guns, and decided it was more important to do the LAB on Friday and see if the hemoglobin 'numbers' were sticking after all the transfusions - and that's when GOD intervened and raised my level to 10.0😁😁

Fast-forward, and I have another appoint tomorrow where I'll be doing another LAB and getting information about OUTPATIENT blood transfusions - if needed - so I DO NOT wind up in the ER again🙃

So the bottom line: God has REDIRECTED me to focus on my health for this timeframe and I want HIS WISDOM on how to 'combat' this cancer.

I've been doing all of this (Q BOARD, JFK JR angle, etc) for almost 7 years solid and I'm hoping the FRENZ will continue to support me UNTIL I can jump back into it❗❗❗

IF you've been enjoying all these videos and haven't become a SUBSCRIBER, now is the time when I need the support❗❗❗

THANK YOU to all THE FRENZ who've been with me for YEARS and have stepped up to financially support me - Much Love to You All🥰🥰

Kelli Ann

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💥💥LEUKEMIA UPDATE💥💥 God's Plan is KEY 👉 Unless He Intervenes There Is No Other Way🙏🙏

Hi Frenz - Giving an IMPORTANT update on my health and asking for FINANCIAL help as Greg and I 'walk through' the next several weeks...the REALITY is UNLESS God decides to provide a MIRACLE I'll be finishing up my life journey....

Please pray for Greg and my children at this very critical time - that their hearts are comforted IF it's God's Plan to bring me home....and right now, short of HIS MIRACLE, it's where I'm headed...

Thank you for any financial help you can provide.

God Bless You,




Kelli Ann





💥DJT is the CURRENT COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF so when he says:

💥'The government KNOWS what is happening '

💥'Our military KNOWS where they took off from...if it's a GARAGE they can go right into that GARAGE...they know where it CAME FROM and where IT WENT'...and for some REASON they don't want to comment'

💥'Our military knows and OUR PRESIDENT knows'

💥'I can't imagine it's the ENEMY because if it was the ENEMY they'd blast it out...'

💥When asked if he'd received any intelligence briefing on the drones he says: 'I don't want to comment on that'


What if...the drones are going to be used in the MASSIVE ROUND-UP OF ILLEGALS⁉️⁉️ The 'GARAGE' statement was strange but makes SENSE in this 'theory' 🔥🔥

Many illegals living in makeshift shelters, like garages, etc.

The DRONES would be the 'eyes in the sky' to HELP ID large groups of illegals, and of course be able to TRACK individuals to see where ...


our new FBI Director made an interesting JFK reference.

post photo preview

Interesting. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

there is forensic value to this photo, although it's a bit on the morbid side.
at 00:43.
JFK's limousine seat, following the shooting.

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